How are you?

Hi, I know it’s not even half of the year yet but I want to know how you’re doing. It’s been lots of ups downs lately in my country starting from inflation among other things. Things might not be looking fine right now but there is always light at the end of the tunnel.

Don’t give up, you keep fighting for the best and remember when you’re still alive there is no reason for you to stop living.

Where are you from, share your thoughts and experience of the past few months with me in the comments. It’s a safe space!!!!


Everyone should have a place to unburden, it’s not until you die or you’re sick that you let go everything that borders you. Choose a place to unburden, it can be your favourite beach, country, home or a person.

Beach is where I unburden even though it’s just some hours but then I feel different after and it makes me feel like I conquered the world.

Where do you unburden????

Marriage and Love

Most couples nowadays don’t love each other again after marriage because they mostly want kids and living a better life, they’ve forgotten what led to the union in the first place.

What is Marriage?

Marriage is the legally and socially recognised union between two people.

What is Love ?

Love is set of emotions and behaviours that can include intimacy, passion and commitment

What is love in Marriage ?

Love in marriage is patient, kind and selfless, it is deeper than any other relationship.

What are the things you shared before getting married? What attracted you to your partner? What are those things you enjoyed doing together before getting married? When was the last time you had a proper conversation that doesn’t involve the kids? When was the last time you did something nice for your partner?

The question goes on and on, It’s not just about I’m married and I have kids. Are you happily married? What lessons are you teaching your kids in that aspect?

Marriage and love go a long way and you don’t stop because it’s a never ending journey, you enjoy the ride when you’re happy.

I love you!!!

Hi, this is me checking up on everyone, I dunno what country or continent you are in at the moment but I hope you are fine? With everything going on around the World and knowing we all can’t reach each other physically but we can virtually still make me happy and sad because we all can’t show the love over the phone. It’s the season of love so show that to everyone around you even if you can’t make it home for the holidays try to be happy where you are and care for others.

Always remember I’m here for everyone that wants to talk and please remember to stay safe and take care of yourselves❤

I love you all💕